Grillz & Heels

Co-parenting Drama Talk

Episode Summary

Many aspects of parenting remain the same after a separation. Keeping communication between parents positive, however, will often require greater attention and care. The emotional turmoil of divorce can make children especially vulnerable. If conflict is a major aspect of co-parenting communication, children’s lives can be further destabilized. Although separation will change how families work, co-parents can still be a source of stability and comfort for their children as long as they commit to positivity in their shared parenting. Parents want what’s best for their kids, but the best isn’t always possible when a divorce or breakup is necessary. And often, a divorce or breakup is the most responsible decision parents can make to reduce the emotional trauma of remaining in a high-conflict home. It’s possible for parents to put their differences aside to create a co-parenting plan that’s beneficial to their child’s long-term development. Take advantage of community resources, such as a mediator or counselor, to set yourself up for co-parenting success. And remember to create ground rules about mutual respect – neither of you should bad-mouth the other in front of the kids – to create a framework for healthy co-parenting. The pain of a divorce or separation doesn’t have to reverberate in your child’s life if you and your ex can come together to provide a safe, stable, and consistent environment.

Episode Notes

Co-Parenting is a ever changing plan to do whats best for your children.